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Hostinger Grew by 57%, Achieving €110.2 Million in Revenues in 2023

In 2023, Hostinger's consolidated revenue increased by 57% year-over-year to €110.2 million. The financial results were significantly influenced by the growth of the customer base…


Kotryna D

May 30, 2024

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Learn the latest Hostinger and hosting industry releases, trends and noteworthy news.

What’s Coming in WordPress 6.5 – Beta Testing


Exciting news – WordPress 6.5 is just around the corner! This upcoming WordPress version is currently in beta testing and is set for release on March 26. This update will merge…

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Feb 23, 2024

By Leonardus N.

Maggie Cabrera: Turning a WordPress Passion Into a Professional Pathway


Maggie Cabrera is a JavaScript engineer at Automattic. She’s been working with WordPress for a long time, but has only been contributing to the open-source project since 2020. She…

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Feb 23, 2024

By Nadia

Removing the Barriers: Hostinger Joins Groundbreaker Talents to Help Ugandan Youth Succeed in IT

Daily Life

Among promising career opportunities, IT stands out as an exciting and well-paid choice. To help young Ugandan women gain a foothold in the IT field, one of Hostinger’s board memb…

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Feb 22, 2024

By Kotryna D.

Meet Hostinger at WordCamp Asia 2024


For WordPress enthusiasts, especially those in Asia, the beginning of the year is a period of excitement – it’s time for WordCamp Asia! This year, the event will take place in Tai…

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Feb 13, 2024

By Nadia

WordPress January Roundup: Security Updates and WordPress 6.5 Early Test


The WordPress community started the year 2024 with great enthusiasm, especially with WordPress 6.5 just around the corner and the State of the Word 2023 keynote. That said, the…

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Feb 09, 2024

By Leonardus N.

Decoding OKRs: The Hostinger Way

Daily Life

In every organization, setting measurable goals for every team member is a significant challenge. How do we tackle this at Hostinger? Through the Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)…

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Feb 01, 2024

By Kotryna D.

Anne McCarthy: Empowering Voices, Shaping the Future


Anne McCarthy is a Product Wrangler at Automattic and a long-time WordPress contributor, especially on the Core team. In the last quarter of 2023, she led WordPress 6.4’s Core …

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Jan 25, 2024

By Nadia

Keeping Your Website Secure in 2024: Five Lessons Learned From Last Year and Helpful Tips


Hostinger has been keeping your websites safe and secure since 2004. Each year presents new challenges for website security, and 2023 was no exception. Last year was famous for th…

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Jan 24, 2024

By Giedrius Z.

Meeting Our Clients: Trying Their Services and Celebrating Success Stories

Daily Life

This Christmas period, we brought the festive spirit into our offices and teams by meeting our clients. From board games to puppy yoga and wine tasting, these experiences struck t…

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Dec 27, 2023

By Kotryna D.

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